Tuesday, 28 May 2013

What I did this weekend.

What a busy weekend was had in Hunters Moon! I admit I was a bit nervous before the Totnes and Dartingto Open Studios event- did I have enough wine and nibbles for the private view? Had I ordered enough cards? Had I hidden the washing? Would anybody come?!

But I needn't have worried (don't you find that's often the case?) after a slow start on Friday (well, it was sunny, who goes to an Open Studio when you can go to the beach?) things picked up rapidly on saturday and by the end of the holiday weekend there was a steady stream of visitors filling the house. So I sat on the stairs and held court!

In between visitors, I was not idle you will be happy to hear. I had spoken to a little girl who, it turned out, was unfamiliar with Paper dolls. So I made one. No little girl should miss out on the fun of a paper doll!

Thank you to everyone who came along and made the weekend so special. Now I can't wait to do it again. I'd better start work, there is apparently a demand for seagulls in bobble hats.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Totnes and Dartington Open Studios. 24th-27th May.

Well folks, it's that time of year again, when artists all over the land are regretting the impulse they had in January, to sign up to one of the Open Studio events that happen over summer.

It all seemed like such fun when we got together in the pub at the beginning of the year to talk about brochures and private views. But now it seems terribly close and I realise what a lot of work there is to do. And worse, I'm going to have to tidy up!

To avoid such things for as long as possible (the tidying up bit, I mean) I've been painting T shirts in the hope that someone will buy them over the bank holiday weekend, 24th-27th May. There will be cards too, and bags. Even some paintings, if we're lucky.

So, if your in the Totnes area for the bank holiday, why not pop along to TDOS and say hello. It would be lovely to see you.